Try it several times and see how it works, we will always generate the same secure password if you use the same easy to remember phrase.

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Why use PKeeper?

  • Passwords are difficult to remember
  • Easy passwords are not secure

How does it work?

Step 1

Enter an easy to remember password in the generator.

Come up with something simple you will always remember.

  • • for emails:
  • • for banks:
  • • for facebook:
  • johnmail
  • johnbank
  • johnfacebook

Step 2

Copy the secure password generated.

Remember to change your old password for the new secure password.

Step 3

Paste the password on your login form and repeat the process everytime you need to use the same password.

PKeeper will always generate the same password.
Example: abc123 will always be "Ccb38d5f260ba_321222".

Why is PKeeper secure?

PKeeper will transform unsecure passwords to secure passwords.

Even if your password was somehow compromised PKeeper doesn't know your username or the website where it will be used.

PKeeper passwords are difficult to decipher but if you forget your easy password you won't be able to get it back.


Can Pkeeper employees see my passwords?

See Answer
No, and we want to be very transparent about this, any information that you submit using the Pkeeper password generator form is used live to generate the password and cannot be recovered unless you submit the form again with the exact same information.

Are you saving my passwords every time I use pkeeper?

See Answer
No, we do not keep any record at all, although we might save them in the future as a new service to come and for statics purposes, for example we will create a place where all your passwords will be saved in a secure way in case you forget them, this service is not available yet because we are working on making it impenetrable. We will also use this information to know what is the most used password and advice users not to use it anymore increasing security.

If I forgot my password how can I get it back?

See Answer
Ooops! You can’t. Pkeeper is so secure that we cannot retrieve any password generated. if you are not able to generate again your secure password because you forgot your easy to remember password then you will need to reset your password and create a new one. We do not save your passwords anywhere. That’s why use the easiest passwords that you can think of so you can remember them, don’t worry we will make them super secure.

Why should I trust Pkeeper with my passwords?

See Answer
Great question, and the answer is you shouldn’t trust anybody, but we will explain you why passwords in PKeeper are useless even if anybody tries to steal them. You are getting back a secure password every time you use Pkeeper, and nobody knows where you will use this password and what username goes along it, so having a password is useless if nobody knows where and how to use it.

Why should I use Pkeeper instead of my regular password?

See Answer
If your passwords are all different, they are made of a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers, signs, have more than 10 characters and you are able to remember them all, then Pkeeper is not for you. But if can’t remember them or your passwords are not secure you need Pkeeper. Hackers around the world are creating robots that try to guess your passwords with complex algorithms, they try thousand combinations per second, so imagine if your password is abc123 or yourName1 you might have been hacked and you don’t even know it.